Monday, October 31, 2011

Post Cards

 Postcards require ONE stamp. That's it. Just one! And no one can tell me otherwise. But just like everything else in China, sending postcards does not involve the same process as it would back home. After talking to the lady behind the counter, she hands us practically a roll of stamps and tells us that we need to apply 4 or 5 stamps to each post card. Additionally, the stamps aren't the ones that you can lick or peel like a sticker. You have to use this glue that looks like jelly at the bottom of a cup and you  have to apply it with a cup. What a tedious, messy step in what should be a simple process of mailing postcards! Needless to say, we were not thrilled. But then again, no mundane task in China is simple, normal, or ultra fun.O and when we were done.... we had to wait in line again to give them to the lady. There are no mailboxes in China. :(

PS. If you want a postcard, send me your address. :)

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