Here's Brandon all excited to go see the Hanging Temple!
It was hard to get a good picture, but it was seriously pretty darn cool. It's just a temple hanging out on the side of a mountain held up by a bunch of sticks. They were really paranoid about the place burning down, so they had signs everywhere.
Paranoia to the max
Cool mask... but so out of place in this temple.
Rub the Buddha for good luck and good fortune.
Brandon..... and the random Chinese guy
High up in the air being supported by some wooden sticks.
Buddhas in the temple. You see one, you've seen them all.
One our way out. Pretty nifty huh?
The signature "we were here" pose
Monks!!! This is on the way into the Yungang Caves. There were monks everywhere and the place was all decorated. There was going to be some sort of ceremony/welcoming of the holiday the following day. But I still don't know why the monks were there.
And this is them. The caves full of Buddha carvings. Some of them still have color too.
Little caves
Biggest Buddha there. Not too shabby right (ps be careful when you say shabby in China... apparently it means a bad bad word)
Color Buddha
A MONK ON A CELLPHONE!!! Seriously! I thought monks were supposed to give up all of their worldly possession. I guess not. And to cap it off.... it was a good cellphone! Oooo the things I see in China. Further, this monk actually followed us for a while and was practicing his English with us. He was saying something about the Nine Dragon Gate. We never went to see it in Datong but we saw one in Pingyao.
The small caves made by normal civilians. They weren't as ornate and pretty since normal people obviously don't have millions to help build them.
Impersonating Buddhas.
1 comment:
WOW! you really got to writing! I had to play catch up on 3 posts! haha. love this one...great shots...looks like you saw some really cool stuff.
I that laundry one isn't worth writing on...solely based off the fact that I had to do that in Italy and hated every minute of annoying. I ended up just taking my clothes to the dry cleaner...such a waste of $ between the cost of ruining your clothes or spending the $ to have it professionally cleaned... :(
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