Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Small Rant

Here I am fully enjoying myself in Moscow. Being here means I had to miss finals week back in Zhengzhou. Before leaving I asked the school if it was ok if I missed proctoring the exams on Jan 11th. I was told it was ok and that Caddie, our assistant, would proctor it herself. Problem solved, bags packed, off to Moscow I go!

 Here I am on Jan 10th, day before my finals that I've been excused from proctoring, I get this email:

 Hi Goda,

Sorry to interrupt you. During this morning's final exam, it seems that students have questions about the papers in each test and they have to ask the teachers who wrote the papers ( the others know nothing about the papers). In Order to make the test go smoothly, we would appreciate it if you could show up during the test (you don't need to monitor the whole test, just show up and solve the students' questions about the test).

Thank you for your cooperation.

First, just note the grammatical errors. They are fun! Anyways, so less than 24hrs before my exams that I've been excused from, they decide to ask me to come in anyways. They don't really know I'm in Moscow (none of their business really), but regardless I've been excused from the proctoring due to personal reasons that cannot be changed. I replied telling them that due to the short notice of less than 24 hours and previous commitments I can't come in to proctor the exam. Sorry.

 Here is what I get back:

 Hi Brandon and Goda, Sorry to interrupt you. Could you please come to the AP office on the second floor tomorrow ( Wednesday the 11th) at 10:00 am? Anna would like to discuss with you two about the teaching plan for next semester and provide you with some teaching materials, which will be helpful for your next year's teaching. We would appreciate it if you could arrive punctually.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day.

Did they not read my previous email!? If I can't proctor my exams, why do they think that I can magically appear for a meeting at 10am? This is not the first time this has happened nor it is the last. I am just besides myself trying to figure out how they think this is ok or that I can magically change time and show up at this meeting. I will never get it. And mind you, these women are full grown adults. Mind blowing!!! End Rant.

He's confused, I'm confused, we're all confused.

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