When you go to another place, whether it be the next town over, the next state over, the next country over, or even as far the other side of the world, odds are your desire to shop will follow you there. So it will be no surprise to you when I tell you that I’ve gone shopping here in China! :O
So you enter a store. Let’s just say out of simplicity that the store is called Vero Moda (love this store!). Immediately upon entering, one or two of the eight sales people (remember the store is probably as big as two of your living rooms) attach themselves to you. They stand pretty much half a foot away behind you and they follow you as you walk through the store browsing. If you touch something, they will immediately come closer and start saying random stuff in Chinese (because I obviously understand that ) probably telling you how amazing said item is. This continues until you leave the store all claustrophobic and feeling like a burglar.
One time I stopped and looked at the sales people while doing the “no” hand motion and the “shoo don’t bother me motion” to no success. I even once tried the “sit” “stay” while I slowly walk away commands like I would to a dog, but that still did not work.
Needless to say, I guess shopping in China is a communal experience (just like everything else) and you are meant to share it in a close and personal way with every sales person in every store that you decide to shop in. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of this type of shopping experience since I hate being followed and made to feel like I’m being watched because I might steal something. As such, I probably won’t be procuring many things while here in China. L
Oh Goda....I HATE stores that do that! Even the high end ones where they think they are "servicing" you....just leave me alone! It makes me leave the store sooner because of how uncomfortable it makes me feel. I don't like that either!
Exactly! You have no idea how many stores I've walked into, literally ran around and glanced at things, then just walked out because I didn't want to be bothered. I call it speed shopping... and it usually results in nothing being purchased!
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