Friday, September 9, 2011

Bingma Yong Warriors

To tell you the honest truth, I think our group was a bit underwhelmed about the warriors. It just didn't seem as big of a deal as initially described. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we saw them, but I think we had more fun trying on different hats in the long skinny street full of merchants trying to sell us stuff. As of right now, the Great Wall is still my favorite.


Rhody said...

Tell Brandon that any of the 3 warriors in the 8th picture down (where the three of you are posing with three statutes) would look awesome in my back yard! :-)

Jen said...

Do they charge you to go there?

Goda Monica said...

Yea it was like almost $20 bucks to get in, but if you have a student ID it went down to like $9 bucks. My U of I ID was expired so I gave them my Illinois Driver's License and it worked. :) So it was relatively cheap.