I experienced today what can only be described as a girl’s heaven and I can already tell you that I will not be able to explain the awesomeness that went down. We went to this no name mall somewhere in Beijing (don’t worry, I have a business card so I can return again!). Apparently, JinLan told me it has the best prices in all of China! It’s an unimpressive building that’s about five stories high and nothing special marking it. Inside, it’s not like a mall in the US where there is tons of open space for strolling and people watching. Instead, each floor is categorized according to item (jewelry, purses, clothes, etc) and it’s one seller after another packed right on top of each other. It’s kinda like souk in Morocco but cleaner and more organized and much much better quality things!
I wish I would have taken more pictures but it was such a chaotic mess inside that I totally forgot. In this building they have everything you could possibly imagine! They have shoes (I saw Uggs that I will be buying next time I go here!), and purses like you wouldn’t imagine (got me a real nice (fake) leather Chloe bag), clothes (beautifully loooong flowy colorful maxis and so much other stuff that my eyes couldn’t absorb it all), perfumes, electronics, watches, luggage, jewelry (I got a beautiful crystal ring!) and much much more. Yes, I realize that is a list of everything a normal mall sells, but it was in such a compact space, and the prices were so obscenely low. It was such a chaotic mess with all the sales people talking to you and pressuring you, all at the same time. Everywhere I looked there was more to see and more people asking you to buy their stuff (they really push their Louis Vuitton) . It felt like Andi always says: a birthday party where 100 of your friends show up so that you’re floating around trying to say hi to everyone and spend time with everyone but there are so many of them and only one of you and the moment you say hi to one person, another one shows up. My senses were on over load and I can’t believe I only bought as much as I did. That place is dangerous but so omg amazing! Shopping heaven! And for the record, everyone that said I won’t find clothes and shoes, was totally wrong. I found more than enough of anything and everything I would ever need! I know I did a bad job of explaining the mall but it was just wow! I wish everyone could experience it! Such a rush really!
That is all I have to say about that. I promise I will take more pictures of the mall next time I go, but I still don’t even think that would do it justice. It’s more of an experience than anything else. I’m still
riding the high of the chaos!
Here is a pic of some other market but its very similar!
riding the high of the chaos!
Here is a pic of some other market but its very similar!
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