Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen....

All good things have to come to an end eventually. Specifically, our time here in China has to come to an end.... and in our case, the end is sooner than we thought! Folks, we have decided to come home early! Get ready to throw us a welcome home party for March 19th! :D Please play the National Anthem upon our arrival :)


Below, you will find our itinerary for our three week backpacking trip afterwards. So excited can't wait! That's seven flights we just booked today! Eek! :o I got a little excited and did a bit of over planning.


Rhody said...

Great visual aids! So glad you guys are going to have one last hurrah and then we get to see you!!! "America, America, God shed his grace on thee..."

Goda Monica said...

Exactly! Can't wait for January! It's all pure fun once the New Year starts! :)